
wilson.match.smeft module

Matcher from the SMEFT 'Warsaw up' basis to the WET JMS basis.

Based on arXiv:1908.05295.

"""Matcher from the SMEFT 'Warsaw up' basis to the WET JMS basis.

Based on arXiv:1908.05295."""

import numpy as np
from math import sqrt, pi
from wilson import wcxf
import wilson
from import p as default_parameters
from wilson.util import smeftutil, wet_jms
from wilson.match import smeft_tree, smeft_loop

def match_all(d_SMEFT, scale, parameters=None):
    """Match the SMEFT Warsaw basis onto the WET JMS basis.

    The optional `parameters` dictionary allows to overwrite the default
    numerical input parameters (such as CKM elements and quark masses).
    Moreover, there is a key `'loop_order'` which, if set to 1, allows
    to switch on the one-loop matching contributions (which are)
    omitted by default.
    p = default_parameters.copy()
    if parameters is not None:
        # if parameters are passed in, overwrite the default values
    C = wilson.util.smeftutil.wcxf2arrays_symmetrized(d_SMEFT)
    C_WET_tree = smeft_tree.match_all_array(C, p)
    if p.get('loop_order') == 1:
        # One loop matching only added if 'loop_order' is 1!
        C_WET_loop = smeft_loop.match_all_array(C, p, scale=scale)
        C_WET = {k: np.array(C_WET_tree[k] + C_WET_loop[k], complex) for k in C_WET_tree}
        C_WET = C_WET_tree
    C_WET = wilson.translate.wet.rotate_down(C_WET, p)
    C_WET = wet_jms.unscale_dict_wet(C_WET)
    d_WET = wilson.util.smeftutil.arrays2wcxf(C_WET)
    basis = wcxf.Basis['WET', 'JMS']
    keys = set(d_WET.keys()) & set(basis.all_wcs)
    d_WET = {k: d_WET[k] for k in keys}
    return d_WET

Module variables

var default_parameters

var pi


def match_all(

d_SMEFT, scale, parameters=None)

Match the SMEFT Warsaw basis onto the WET JMS basis.

The optional parameters dictionary allows to overwrite the default numerical input parameters (such as CKM elements and quark masses). Moreover, there is a key 'loop_order' which, if set to 1, allows to switch on the one-loop matching contributions (which are) omitted by default.

def match_all(d_SMEFT, scale, parameters=None):
    """Match the SMEFT Warsaw basis onto the WET JMS basis.

    The optional `parameters` dictionary allows to overwrite the default
    numerical input parameters (such as CKM elements and quark masses).
    Moreover, there is a key `'loop_order'` which, if set to 1, allows
    to switch on the one-loop matching contributions (which are)
    omitted by default.
    p = default_parameters.copy()
    if parameters is not None:
        # if parameters are passed in, overwrite the default values
    C = wilson.util.smeftutil.wcxf2arrays_symmetrized(d_SMEFT)
    C_WET_tree = smeft_tree.match_all_array(C, p)
    if p.get('loop_order') == 1:
        # One loop matching only added if 'loop_order' is 1!
        C_WET_loop = smeft_loop.match_all_array(C, p, scale=scale)
        C_WET = {k: np.array(C_WET_tree[k] + C_WET_loop[k], complex) for k in C_WET_tree}
        C_WET = C_WET_tree
    C_WET = wilson.translate.wet.rotate_down(C_WET, p)
    C_WET = wet_jms.unscale_dict_wet(C_WET)
    d_WET = wilson.util.smeftutil.arrays2wcxf(C_WET)
    basis = wcxf.Basis['WET', 'JMS']
    keys = set(d_WET.keys()) & set(basis.all_wcs)
    d_WET = {k: d_WET[k] for k in keys}
    return d_WET